Señorío de Rubiós - Albariño

Señorío de Rubiós - Albariño
Spain > Galicia > Rias Baixas white

Informations about the winery

Bodegas Coto Redondo
36449 Rubiós - As Neves- Pontevedra
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
Web :

Information about the wine details
The informations about the wines on CavusVinifera are entered by the users themselves, on a collaborative way. They can, sometimes, have some mistakes. The wines sheets are frequently reviewed and corrected by moderators.
If you see an error or want to create a new wine sheet, don't hesitate to contact us.

Wines from the same winery (1 wines in the database)

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No tasting notes for this wine yet

There is no tasting notes for this wine yet, register if you want to post one

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