Quaquarini Buttafuoco Vigna La Guasca

Quaquarini Buttafuoco Vigna La Guasca
Italy > Lombardia > Oltrepò Pavese red

Informations about the winery

Azienda Agricola Quaquarini Francesco
27044  Canneto Pavese PV
Contact : Phone | Fax
Email : contact the winery
Web : http://www.quaquarinifrancesco.it

Information about the wine details
The informations about the wines on CavusVinifera are entered by the users themselves, on a collaborative way. They can, sometimes, have some mistakes. The wines sheets are frequently reviewed and corrected by moderators.
If you see an error or want to create a new wine sheet, don't hesitate to contact us.

Wines from the same winery (15 wines in the database)

red Quaquarini Pinot Nero
Oltrepò Pavese - red
red Quaquarini Grandesco
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sparkling white Quaquarini Moscato Spumante
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white Quaquarini Pinot Grigio
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Oltrepò Pavese - sparkling red
sparkling white Quaquarini Pinot Nero Spumante
Oltrepò Pavese - sparkling white
white Quaquarini Riesling
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red Quaquarini Sangue di Giuda
Oltrepò Pavese - red
red Quaquarini Barbera Vigna Poggio Anna
Oltrepò Pavese - red
red Quaquarini Bonarda
Oltrepò Pavese - red
sparkling red Quaquarini Buttafuoco
Oltrepò Pavese - sparkling red
red port-type Quaquarini Buttafuoco Chinensis
Other appellation - red port-type
moelleux white Quaquarini Moscato
Oltrepò Pavese - moelleux white

Wines from the same area (15 wines in the database)

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Oltrepò Pavese - red
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red Cabanon - Syra's
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red Cabanon - Prunello
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red Cabanon - Augurio
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red Cabanon - Sensazioni
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red Castello Luzzano - Luzzano 270
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No tasting notes for this wine yet

There is no tasting notes for this wine yet, register if you want to post one

youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar youcellar